Projects, articles and links to information that may interest Radio Amateurs and Electronics enthusiasts






My previous tower

unfortunately I have moved to smaller premises where a tower is not possible.


Being a radio amateur since 1972, I have had the opportunity to design and build many projects related to amateur radio and electronics in general. It seemed like time to put as much detail of these on record so that if anyone else found them interesting or helpful, then at least it was not all just for myself. Along the way associates have either worked with me on a project or have given permission to reprint their own projects or articles as well. As this website is constantly changing, I have a long way to go, so bear with me while I put it together. I hope you find something of interest to you. Of course I build projects from kits as well so there may be references to those original articles but acknowledgement will be given to the originator where applicable. These projects were never destined to be sold commercially but occassionally enough interest has been shown to make it worthwhile. Good luck and good searching.

73s Albert VK3BQO


Proudly a member since 1978 of Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club in Cranbourne - south east of Melbourne Victoria, Australia.




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